#22 Clark Bus Stop Temporary Elimination
Due to construction, and for your safety, the north-bound, farside bus stop on Clark at Diversey will be temporarily eliminated, starting Monday, May, 13, 2103 through November 15, 2013.
Grow Your Own Edible Garden This Summer
Just in time for our gardening push, Rich Mott, North Pond owner, has offered 43rd Ward residents500 seedlings for FREE. They are organic and/or heirloom vegetables: snow peas, snap peas, zucchini, and cucumbers; grown in recycled coffee cups. They will be available for forpick-up at our office,located at 2523 N. Halsted, starting Monday, May 20 at 9:30am.
Lincoln Central Ward Walk
Join us for our last night-time walk tonight to check out lighting, trees, and graffiti.
Lincoln Central
Wednesday, May 15
City Grounds
507 W. Dickens
Block Club Training
May 21st
As a follow up to our 43rd Ward Anti-Crime mtg. the 18th District Police and our office are offering a block club training for those interested in taking a more active role to keep their neighborhood safe. If you have any questions, call our office at 773-348-9500.
Block Club Training
Tuesday, May 21
18th District Police Station
1140 N. Larrabee
Dear Friends,
I admit it – I love to garden. Our tree canopy and beautiful parkways are yet another reason we love Lincoln Park, Old Town and the Gold Coast.
So I’d like to invite you to join me in making our yards and parkways more sustainable by adding native Midwestern plants, and using a few simple conservation tools.
I didn’t realize when I started gardening that many of the varieties I planted were from overseas and grown as hybrids here. While many are beautiful, they are very tender in our climate, and require more water and fertilizer than we would like. (How well I remember a very expensive exotic tree dying while I was on vacation!)
Having learned my lesson, I’m trying hard to use native plants – plants that have been in the Midwest since before we all settled the country. For sunny spots, there are an endless list of prairie plants and for shade (like my yard), woodland plants create a green spot. Natives are much more tolerant of drought or heavy rain. Here’s a list.
But it gets better. Under the City of Chicago Sustainable Backyards Program, you can get a rebate of up to 50% for every tree and native plant you put in your yard or parkway. You also get a rebate for purchasing a rain barrel or compost bin.
Midwest native plant Shooting Star – Dodecatheon Meadia
Think about it – if your parkway or rear yard are planted, the water runoff from your home would go into the ground and not into the streets – or basements. And native plants require far less maintenance than non-natives.
Send me your before and after photos toyourvoice@ward43.org, and we’ll celebrate creating a more sustainable 43rd Ward.
43rd Ward City Sticker Day
This year’s 43rd Ward City Sticker Day will be Saturday, June 8th from 9:00am-2:00pm. Stop by for some coffee and donuts and purchase your city stickers right in your ward.
To purchase your city stickers you MUST bring vehicle registration, photo ID, and your renewal form. If your photo ID does NOT show your current address you must bring proof of residence which can be your lease, mortgage, or a current utility bill – hard copy only. If you do not have a renewal form, you MUST bring your state vehicle registration, vehicle title, or insurance card that contains your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Without any of these documents the City Clerk’s Office will not sell you a City or Zone Parking Sticker.
43rd Ward City Sticker Day
Saturday, June 8
43rd Ward Office
2523 N. Halsted

Michele Smith
43rd Ward Alderman