Avoid a Late Fee, Buy Your Stickers
Before the 15th!
July 15th is the last day that you can still purchase your annual City and Zone stickers without paying a late fee. StartingJuly 16th, you will be charged a $60 ($30 for seniors) late fee unless you are a new resident or a new vehicle owner. While our office does not sell annual City and Zone stickers, there are numerous locations throughout the City where you can purchase them.
Historic Landmark Mtg. Presentations Online
Last month, our office, along with the City’s Historic Preservation and Permit Review, City’s Historic Preservation Division, and the Illinois Historic and Preservation Agency, hosted a workshop, “Living in a Landmark: Landmark Guidelines and Incentives.” The presentations from the workshop are now featured on our website. Questions? Call our office.
Two Lincoln Park Businesses Profiled!
This month, Crain’sprofiled two new Lincoln Park businesses: Berco’s Popcorn on Armitage and Wreck Creation on Halsted. Check out Berco’s gold-flecked “Billion Dollar Popcorn” or pick up a unique reclaimed piece of furniture from Wreck Creation. These are some more examples of great entrepreneurs in Lincoln Park.
Special Late Hours
this Thursday at the Nature Museum!
Thursday, July 11th the Nature Museum has extended hours until9:00pm. Bring the family and enjoy special late night access to the Nature Museum with a focus on food science. Throughout the museum there will be experiments and workshops, including bug cooking and even pickling! Click here for more information.
Thursday, July 11th
The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
2430 N. Cannon Dr.
Etno Community Meeting
Join Etno owners and the Wrightwood Neighbor Association at a community meeting to discuss Etno’s proposed plans for expansion and their application for a liquor license. Please call our office at 773-348-9500with any questions.
Tuesday, July 23rd
New Life C hurch
1110 W. Lill
Dear Friends,
Last week was the first week that Divvy, the new Chicago bike share program, was up and running. Chicagoans took over 4,000 trips on Divvy bikes last week alone and more than 1,700 Chicagoans (including me) are already Divvy members. The first wave of Divvy bike share stations has been installed in the 43rd Ward. It’s easy to get a bike with your Member key or a daily pass. I encourage all of you to check out the first few 43rd Ward locations, listed below, and look out for new ones coming soon. And of course,sign up!
- Cannon & Fullerton
- Sheffield & Fullerton
- Racine & Fullerton
- Lincoln & Armitage
- Sheffield & Willow
- Dayton & North
- Larrabee & North
- Larrabee & Menomonee
- Diversy & Wilton
Kidical Mass Ride This Weekend
Bring the whole family for a safe, kid-friendly bike ride through Lincoln Park. The Kidical Mass Lincoln Bike Ride will last approximately one hour and showcase our beautiful neighborhood. All levels of bikes are invited, including training wheels! Click here for more information. I’m going!
Sunday, July 14th
Oz Park Playground
9:30am Meet-up
10:00am Departure
Divvy Community Meeting –
Get a free Divvy Pass
Want to know more about Divvy? Stop by the Nature Museum next Thursday for a community meeting and learn about how it works, the cost, station locations, and the positive impact bike sharing can have on your health and the environment. CDOT and Divvy representatives will be present to answer your questions. Attend and receive a FREE 24-Hour Divvy Pass as well as free admission to the museum and a chance to win great bike-related raffle prizes. Click here for more information.
Thursday, July 18
the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
2430 N. Cannon Dr.

My first Divvy ride!
Lincoln Elementary Now Home
to a “Little Free Library”
Lincoln Elementary students are avid readers, even during summer vacation, and it’s garnering them some press. A recent DNAinfo article profiled the 2011 founding of iscream4reading by Lincoln Elementary parent Kim Morrow and its enormous success. iscream4reading, a fundraising program that encourages donors to make pledges towards a student’s summer reading, raised more than $59,000 in its first year alone and quickly spread from Lincoln Elementary to LaSalle Language Academy. But the reading movement did not stop there!
Inspired by the success of the program, Lincoln Elementary parent Trigg Thorstenson constructed a miniature replica of Abraham Lincoln’s log cabin to house one of four “Little Free Libraries” in all of Chicago. “Little Free Libraries”, found all over the world, are a physical space where students and community members can leave a book or take out a book for free. iscream4reading founder Kim Morrow estimates that hundreds of books have already cycled through the “library”. We encourage all of you to take or leave a gently used book and support this reading initiative!
 You can find the “Little Free Library” right outside of Lincoln Elementary’s front door. Abe would have been proud.

Michele Smith
43rd Ward Alderman