Damen Elston Fullerton– Resurfacing of Damen has begun! And with it came additional traffic delays. Thank you for your patience over the last couple of days as crews were working to get the roadway paved.
The contractor is currently working towards completing the concrete base and curbs on Damen and Elston. Once this is complete, the remaining asphalt overlay will be completed with the goal of opening Damen and Elston to full traffic configuration by the first week of December. Work on Fullerton is also wrapping up, including curbs and sidewalks. All lanes on Fullerton are scheduled to be open by mid-December as well.
After many years of work, the final pieces of the Fullerton remake are coming to completion. Repaving will continue through the end of the week. Funding for the project took several years to pull together (dating back to 2008) but the end product will transform this stretch of Fullerton.