The Lincoln Park Conservancy will be offering its annual training to volunteers age 18 and up that are interested in learning how to survey for frog calls in Lincoln Park or anywhere in the Chicago Region. The one-time training will take place on Saturday, February 25, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Lincoln Park. Advance registration is required. To register for Frog Call Survey Training, please contact Aaron Hammond at the Lincoln Park Conservancy: (773) 883-PARK or ahammond@lincolnparkconserv
at North Pond or any Natural Area in Chicago’s Parks
Help save our native frogs and toads!
Join volunteers throughout Illinois to listen for frog and toad calls during breeding seasons.
The data you collect provides valuable information about the health of natural areas and ponds. Little is known about the status of your parks’ native frogs, so we need your help!
Register for our one-time training class.
Visit your chosen area to listen for calls three times between March 15 and July 10 (six hours total).
Record your results on each visit and submit your data online. Your data will be shared with scientists and land managers to improve native frog and toad habitat!
CONTACT AARON HAMMOND, Natural Areas Site Manager
(773) 883-PARK